Celebrate spring with some activities that will help your assisted living residents forget about the winter and be happy about spring! Not only is the weather better in the current and upcoming months, but everyone seems to be in better spirits once the cold and rainy weather is gone. For instance, update your activity room or common areas with spring decorations, magazines and plants or flowers. For the women, try organizing a tea party or outdoor gardening activity for those who are able. Another great idea is having a vendor show in your common area, allowing several vendors with various items to sell such as candles, jewelry or other goods – to allow the residents to have a fun shopping experience close to their home. In Lockhart, Texas the spring and early summer weather is so beautiful, so try to take advantage of that as much as possible with short group walks, outdoor games or simply relaxing in the sun. If there are any residents who prefer or are required to be indoors, opening the windows and letting the natural light in always helps. Local groups in the area such as playgroups, vacation bible school and preschools also volunteer children to visit and perform Easter or springtime programs. There are so many different ways to bring spring into your assisted living home and brighten the days of your residents!
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